What is a people first organisation?
Although there are already some great products & services already out there! We haven’t found the one tool or method to rule them all. (If you have, let us know!!)
So let’s have a look at what we have learned.
There are three macro elements which make any profitable business. Product, Customer and People. Although you’ll need all three elements in balance for a healthy business, every leader has a natural favorite which (s)he puts at the heart of the business. Some will say: ‘customer is king’ and others focus on creating worlds most beautiful products, which in their turn attract the sales. Although there are tons of successful businesses, where the leader, has the customer or product at the heart of the organization – We believe that each element has their own responsibilty, which they should put first. And leaders only have one responsibility – which is their people.

© People first model – get your growth B.V. 2017
With that in mind we’ve built the people first model. In this model you see the employee in the heart of the organisation. The more confident, happy and productive your people are ; the better relationships they will develop with your customers and the more they will try to improve in the products and service you offer.
In this climate, everyone in the organisation is part of your sales force. Whether that’s directly in the role of an account manager or an employee which is sharing an experience on Instagram. Also, everyone in your business is an innovator. Too often we look for innovation and new ideas outside the walls of our company. Not realizing there is a ton of untapped potential sitting right next to you.
” We believe people are the foundation of growth.”
Leaders are not responsible for the results. Leaders are responsible for the people who are responsible for the results.
— Simon Sinek (@simonsinek) 22 maart 2016
So what’s people first?
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